David Mertens
2012-05-08 11:26:04 UTC
Now now, let's not be too hasty. Using an undocumented function is
generally not advised, and documenting how to use an undocumented function
is generally frowned upon. As such I see two possibilities here:
1. Use pp_scmp and document it with lots of caveats indicating that the
function is not part of Perl's public API.
2. Ask p5p if pp_scmp (and any other handy UTF8 string functions) can be
added to the public API, as well as how you might go about doing that. The
difference between public and private API for Perl, as far as I know, is
just the decision to document the thing. So this probably means simply
adding the docs for the function. I could help out with this.
Would you like me to email p5p and get their ideas about it?
generally not advised, and documenting how to use an undocumented function
is generally frowned upon. As such I see two possibilities here:
1. Use pp_scmp and document it with lots of caveats indicating that the
function is not part of Perl's public API.
2. Ask p5p if pp_scmp (and any other handy UTF8 string functions) can be
added to the public API, as well as how you might go about doing that. The
difference between public and private API for Perl, as far as I know, is
just the decision to document the thing. So this probably means simply
adding the docs for the function. I could help out with this.
Would you like me to email p5p and get their ideas about it?
----- Original Message ----- From: "David Oswald"
you'll have to do as Corion has suggested.
Once I figure it out it actually may make a good addition to the
I wouldn't be calling out to a subroutine implemented in Perl, but
rather, to a Perl internal built-in that does comparisons.
request for suggestions. Max Maischein (Corion) has been helpful,
Corion says: I think you'll need to call the appropriate OP,
which seems (wildly guessing) to be pp_scmp in pp.c.
Or appropriate the code from there.
Yep, if you can't re-structure the code to call a perl sub then, afaik,rather, to a Perl internal built-in that does comparisons.
request for suggestions. Max Maischein (Corion) has been helpful,
Corion says: I think you'll need to call the appropriate OP,
which seems (wildly guessing) to be pp_scmp in pp.c.
Or appropriate the code from there.
you'll have to do as Corion has suggested.
Once I figure it out it actually may make a good addition to the
Inline::C cookbook.
Yes, I think so.Cheers,
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it." -- Brian Kernighan
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it." -- Brian Kernighan